Friday, January 9, 2015

February Provincial Exams

For students who are taking provincially examinable courses, the next exam dates are coming up in early February.  Science 10, Math 10, English 10, Social Studies 11, English 12, Communications 12 are the provincially examinable courses offered through ConnectEd.  If you are a school aged student then you need to write the provincial exams for theses courses in order to graduate. 

If you think you will be finished your coursework by the end of January, please contact the ConnectEd teacher for that course so that they can ensure that you are ready for the provincial exam and that we are ready for you when you show up to write it.

Full time ConnectEd students will write their provincial exams at ConnectEd.  Blended students (those taking most of their courses in one of the district highschools) will write their exams at their home school.  Blended students will still need to let us know that they are ready to write the exam as we need to inform the home school.

Here is the exam schedule for the Math and Science courses that I teach:
AWMath 10     Monday February 2nd from 9am - 11am
Science 10        Wednesday February 4th from 9am - 11am

Please bring photo ID with you to the exam.

So if you take AWMath 10 or Science 10 and believe you will be ready to write the provincial in February, please contact me as soon as possible at (250)770-7718 ext 6283 or  If you have any questions about the provincial exams please let me know.